Friday, July 12, 2013


The day started out just like any other Monday. The alarm went off, I hit the snooze button, groaned, then rolled out of bed. I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, packed my backpack, jumped in the car and sped off to school. Just your average, typical Monday morning. However, out of all Mondays this Monday was particularly recognized; for this particular day was the day my school went into a major lockdown. Of course, I didn't know this at the time. I thought it was just one of those many obnoxious Mondays. But before I get into the creepy janitor/kidnapper/gunman; I should probably provide some back drop to truly understand what was happening.

My name is Faith Hope Love. My parents, my siblings and I, and pretty much all of my family are deeply devout Christians; and I guess my name was some sort of joke or they just really liked the verse.  Yes, my last name really is Love. Yes, my middle name really is Hope. And yes, my first name really is Faith. I have two little sisters, Joy and Peace (I know, my parents really need an extra dose of imagination). I had many friends and a few close best friends; three of which went to my school, and one who in hindsight was one of the key parts to our survival.